On this page you will find a lot of information about the LGBTIQ*-specific diversity management of the University of Halle and about further offers of the MLU, the city of Halle (Saale) and the region in the field of LGBTIQ*.
(LGBTIQ* stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans*, inter* and other queer persons. TIN stands for trans*, inter* and non-binary persons.)
MLU Statements and Policies
Diversity Statement
In its Diversity Statement, the University of Halle advocates for the appreciation, support, and protection against discrimination of persons of all sexual identities as well as trans* and inter*gender and non-binary persons.
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Anti-discrimination policy
In its policy on protection against discrimination, (sexual) harassment and violence, MLU prohibits discrimination, (sexual) harassment and violence on the basis of gender or sexual identity and obligates its students and employees to contribute to a study and work climate free of discrimination and violence. Confidential counseling services and official complaint procedures are available to individuals who experience discrimination, (sexual) harassment, or violence in university contexts.
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Guide: TIN students in courses
The Office of Diversity and Equal Opportunity at the University of Halle has created a handout for teachers at MLU in which easy-to-implement measures are compiled in order to deal with TIN students in courses in a discrimination-sensitive manner.
Note: Since July 2023, the name change for students is possible based on a self-disclosure. You can find more information about this further down on this page.
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LGBTIQ+ Campus Ranking 2021: 2. Platz für die MLU
Icon: LGBTIQ+ Ranking
[Image description: on a white background it says "LGBTIQ+ Campus Index" in black letters, to the left is a red square with a white "P" inside.]
The LGBTIQ+ News & Networking Community Proudr published the LGBTIQ+ Campus Index for Germany, Austria and Switzerland for the first time in June 2021. The index aims to make visible how LGBTIQ+ diversity is lived at universities, colleges and academies in the DACH region. It is intended to provide prospective students and students with guidance on LGBTIQ+ inclusive campus cultures and enables higher education institutions to gain insights into their commitment to more appreciation on their campuses and to compare themselves with other educational institutions.
The ranking was based on self-reporting by universities using an extensive questionnaire on the following sets of questions:
- Communication and commitment to LGBTIQ+ (MLU: 96%).
- Protection against discrimination of LGBTIQ+ (MLU: 88.6%)
- Expertise, promotion and consultation (MLU: 75%)
- Structures and LGBTIQ+ diversity management (MLU: 81%)
- Initiatives, engagement and other offerings (MLU: 100%).
In 2021, 62 universities participated. The index is led by the University of Cologne, followed by the University of Halle. Of the 62 participating universities, 14 scored more than 60% on the audit. Three universities scored above 80%. MLU's responses scored 86.2%. Large institutions (more than 1,500 students) scored higher on average than smaller institutions. Prof. Dr. Christian Tietje, Rector of MLU, explains the motivation for participating in the ranking, saying that it was a very good opportunity for the university to show its commitment to date and also to find out where it could do even better.
Results LGBTIQ+ Campus Ranking 2021 (German)
(3.6 MB) vom 07.06.2021
All Gender Toilets at MLU
Photo: All-Gender-Restrooms (Photo by Marian Sorge)
[Image description: Several colorful all-gender restroom signs are arranged side by side on a wooden floor.]
In order to provide a safe and non-discriminatory restroom use for all individuals regardless of gender identity, MLU has all-gender restrooms available at all central locations in addition to men's and women's restrooms.
More information
Change of name and civil status at MLU
Symbolic image: Name change at MLU
[Image description: On the left half of the image you can see the head of the lion of the Löwengebäude. In his direction of view, an identity card and a personal card of MLU are lying in the right half of the picture. The ID card photo is obscured by a rainbow pin].
You are trans*, inter* and/or non-binary and would like to change your name and/or civil status at MLU? You can find all information about the possibilities and procedures here.
Events at the MLU
Symbol image: LGBTIQ* events
[Image description: There are two calendars on turquoise background. On the monthly view, several days are marked with colorful pins. Above the calendars is a black speech bubble with a rainbow colored heart.]
Courses on LGBTIQ* topics
Wintersemester 2024/25:
- gender*bildet: Abschlusskolloquium Zertifikat Gender Studies (Verena Stange, Julia Ritter)
- gender*bildet: Einführung in die Trans* Gender Studies (Tija Uhlig)
- gender*bildet: Queer, Soziale Arbeit und Religion. Freund- und Feindschaften in einem komplexen Feld (Dr. Klemens Ketelhut)
- gender*bildet: Ringvorlesung: Klasse und Gender. Intersektionale Perspektiven (Verena Stange, Julia Ritter)
- gender*bildet: Vom Ein-Geschlecht-Modell zu Cyborgs (Laura Hommers)
- Einführung in die Queer Pädagogik (Carlotta Voß)
- Gender im Kontext von In- und Exklusion in Schule und Unterricht (Dr. Sabine Gabriel)
- Geschlechtersensibilität als Handlungsanforderung für Schulentwicklung (Dr. Miriam Hörnlein)
- Jugend und Sexualität (Diana Fischer)
- Körper(lichkeit), Geschlecht(lichkeit) und Sexualität - Sexuelle Bildung im Sachunterricht (Dr. Toni Simmon)
- Queertheoretische Perspektive auf Schule. Schulische Sozialisation und die Rolle der Gesellschaft - Gender, Identität und Feminismus (Viveca Pasternak)
- Sexing Education: A Global History of Sex Education and the Ensuing Panics(Alexander Obermüller)
- Sexualit*ies and Gender(s) in the Early Writings of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam (Prof. Dr. Annette Weissenrieder)
Sommersemester 2024:
- gender*bildet: „Heteronormativität als Grundbegriff der gender- und queerstudies. Eine Einführung für MINT-Studierende“ (Dr. Klemens Ketelhut)
- Gender(-gerechtigkeit) in Schule?! Schulische Sozialisation und die Rolle der Gesellschaft - Gender, Identität und Feminismus (Merle Pasternak)
- Forschungsorientierte Vertiefung: Schwerpunkt Queere Bildung im Schulkontext (Sophie Ingrid Elisabeth Hölscher)
- Intersexfiguren von der Antike bis heute (Dr. Claudia Hein)
- Pluralität von Lebensformen im Neuen Testament und in antiker Literatur (Prof. Dr. Annette Weissenrieder)
- Psychologie in Bildung, Erziehung und Beratung – Schwerpunkt Queere Bildung (Sophie Ingrid Elisabeth Hölscher)
- Queer und Schule -Reflexion und Impulse post-heteronormativer pädagogischer Praxis (Dr. Sabine Gabriel, Dr. Edina Schneider)
- Sexuelle und queere Bildung im Jugendalter (Patrick Leinhos)
- Sexuelle Bildung in der Körperpädagogik (Hannah Ragnit)
Wintersemester 2023/24:
- Ästhetische Bildung und (queer-)feministische Perspektiven (Carlotta Else Anna Voß)
- gender*bildet: Heteronormativität als Grundbegriff der gender- und queerstudies. Eine Einführung für Studierende naturwissenschaftlicher Fächer (Dr. Klemens Ketelhut)
- gender*bildet: Einführung in die Legal Gender Studies (Dr. Sabine Gabriel, Katharina Ruhwedel)
- gender*bildet: Queer Death. Sterben, Tod und Trauer aus queerer Perspektive (Yvonno Leeb)
- Queere Bildung im Schulkontext (Sophie Ingrid Elisabeth Hölscher)
- Queere Ökologien (Michael Karrer)
- Religiöse Vielfalt in postmigrantischen Räumen (Maximilian Aaron Müller)
Sommersemster 2023:
- Diaspora and Gender issues in contemporary ethnomusicological research (Parang Farazmand)
- Forschungsorientierte Vertiefung (Schwerpunkt Queere Bildung im Schulkontext) [Deu/Eng] (Sophie Ingrid Elisabeth Hölscher)
- gender*bildet: Borderlands – Intersektionales Seminar zu Grenzen, Geschlecht, race zu politischer Willensbildung (Melina Morr de Pérez)
- gender*bildet: Heteronormativität als zentrales Konzept queeren Denkens und Handelns. Ein Lese- und Schreibseminar. (Dr. Klemens Ketelhut)
- Genderkompetenz (Dr Katja Rath)
- „Herumtreiberinnen“, „Asoziale“, Personen mit „häufig wechselnden Geschlechtspartnern (HWG)“ - Kriminalpolitik und gesellschaftliche Aushandlungen devianter Sexualität(en) in der DDR (Katharina Eger)
- Kontrafakturen – postkoloniale, feministische und queere Umschriften von Robinson Crusoe (Dr. Claudia Hein)
- Objects in Context: Gender, Race, Class (Esther Wetzel)
- Sensibilisierung von angehenden Lehrkräften für queere Inhalte (Noel Grosse, Han Schwaß)
Wintersemester 2022/23:
- gender*bildet: Intersektionale Queere/Behinderte Politiken und chronische Erkrankung (Ana Melina Morr de Pérez)
- Gender im Recht – Wo stehen wir heute? (Angela Tschech)
- Theorien und Methoden der Queer History (Antonius Heinrich Schulte)
- Queer Music (Parang Farazmand)
Sommersemester 2022:
- Diversity @ University. Ringvorlesung zu Antidiskriminierung und Solidarität (Sabine Wöller)
- gender bildet: „United in Anger – Aids, soziale Bewegungen und die (Re)politisierung von Gesundheit" (Dr. Klemens Ketelhut)
- Gender-Fluiditäten (Dr. Claudia Hein)
- Geschlecht, Sexualität und Psychiatrie in Halle (Saale) (Antonius Heinrich Schulte)
- Intersektionalität – Eine Annäherung an Identität, Macht und Soziale Gerechtigkeit (Elisa Kohl-Garrity)
- Macht- und diskriminierungskritische Perspektiven auf inklusive Schule und Unterricht (Franziska Schreiter)
- Musikethnologie und Gender Studies (Padang Farazmand)
- Natur – Gender – Gott (Prof. Dr. Jörg Dierken)
- Sexualität, Ehe und Familie (Prof. Dr. Regina Radlbeck-Ossmann)
- „Your Behavior creates your Gender“ – Gender Studies und Ethnographie (Dr. Andrea Bossen)
Flyer: Queertreff by que(e)r_einsteigen
[Image description: A flyer in colorful pastel shades shows two drawn purple platypuses under the blue-gray heading "Que(e)r Treff". One is lying on a pillow in Pride colors, holding playing cards. The other stands upright wearing an apron. An arrow on the right side reads "Remember: You are queer enough!". A purple stripe reads "Questions? Feel free to DM us on Instagram or WhatsApp." Below are the logos of AK que(e)r_einsteigen and que(e)r_treff].
The working group que(e)r_einsteigen of the student council invites you to the Que(e)rtreff.
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There is also a queer regulars' table hosted by the pharmacy student council.
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Forschungsprojekte an der MLU
Gewalt in intimen Beziehungsformen schwuler Männer
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‘Queeres‘ Engagement im Jugendalter. Eine qualitative Untersuchung
Zentrum für Schul- und Bildungsforschung (ZSB)
Projektleiter: Patrick Leinhos
Laufzeit: 01.06.2017 bis 31.12.2021
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Sexualität und Geschlecht im Spiegel der Akten der Universitäts-Nervenklinik Halle (Saale), ca. 1930–1945
Institut für Geschichte
Promotionsprojekt von Anton Schulte
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Networks, projects and support centers
At the MLU
Arbeitskreis que(e)r_einsteigen |
Originally, the idea for que(e)r_einsteigen arose in the summer semester of 2007 from the seminar "Civilized Bodies, Perverted Realities - An Introduction to Queer Theory" at MLU. Since then, events on queer topics have been organized every year with a changing staff: Lectures, worshops, movie nights, parties.... Since January 2012 que(e)r_einsteigen is a permanent working group of the student council of MLU.
The working group understands "queer" less as a static role ("being queer"), but rather as an active process ("acting queer"). This means for a person to be themselves and to accept and acknowledge themselves and others in their diversity, so that every person has the possibility to live an authentic life. Queer action, in that sense, means being mindful and caring of each other and supporting each other in diversity. This also includes creating safe places for those who are still socially denied to live their identity openly and safely.
The working group would like to carry this attitude to the outside world and do (political) educational work with its events in order to make diverse perspectives visible. At this point, it sees the need to expand MLU's course offerings in an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary way and wants to open up a more everyday approach to diversity in addition to the academic one, giving space to a wide variety of people and topics.
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Call Me By My Name |
Trans*, inter* und nicht-binäre Studierende mit ihren richtigen Namen und Pronomen anzusprechen an vielen Universitäten eine Herausforderung. Um dem Thema mehr Aufmerksamkeit zu geben und Veränderungen zu bewirken, wurde die Initiative “call me by my name” gegründet. Das Kollektiv setzt sich für die Belange von trans*, inter*, nicht-binäre und a_gender Personen (kurz: INTA+) an den Hochschulen in Halle ein und besteht überwiegend aus INTA+ Stud*entinnen der MLU besteht.
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Forum Legal Gender Studies |
Das Forum Legal Gender Studies ist seit dem Wintersemester 2015/2016 eine interdisziplinäre Veranstaltungsreihe am juristischen Bereich. Als Initative von Student*innen und Mitarbeiter*innen ist es den Initiator*innen ein Anliegen, das Verhältnis von Recht und Geschlechterverhältnissen aus verschiedenen wissenschaftlichen Perspektiven zu betrachten. Diese Perspektive von Legal Gender Studies und feministischer Rechtswissenschaft soll als inzwischen fester Bestandteil juristischer Auseinandersetzungen auch an der Uni Halle gestärkt werden. Wir laden alle Interessierten herzlich ein, unsere Veranstaltungen zu besuchen oder sich inhaltlich oder organisatorisch in die Gestaltung des Forums einzubringen!
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gender*bildet – Netzwerkstelle für Genderforschung und -lehre |
Mit Sicherheit verliebt |
Logo Mit Sicherheit verliebt
"Mit Sicherheit verliebt" ist ein studentisches Sexualaufklärungsprojekt, das Schüler*innen der Jahrgangsstufe 7 bis 10 unterstützt, eine selbstbestimmte und reflektierte (gesunde) Beziehung zu ihrer Sexualität zu entwickeln. Zu diesem Zweck verbringen Studierende Projekttage mit den Jugendlichen, in denen sie diese ganzheitlich über Pubertät, das erste Mal, Verhütungsmittel, Pornographie, sexuelle Vielfalt usw. aufklären. Die Themen werden spielerisch und auf Augenhöhe vermittelt. Durch die geringe Altersdifferenz wird eine lockere Umgebung geschaffen, in der sich die Schüler*innen trauen wichtige Fragen zu stellen und ihnen Rede und Antwort gestanden wird.
"Mit Sicherheit Verliebt" ist ein Projekt der Bundesvertretung der Medizinstudierenden in Deutschland e.V. und wurde 2001 in Anwesenheit der damals amtierenden Bundesgesundheitsministerin Andrea Fischer gegründet. Seitdem ist das Präventionsprojekt tief in der Arbeit der Medizinstudierendenvertretung verankert und verbindet verschiedene medizinische Fakultäten Deutschlands.
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Sabine Wöller (Foto: MLU / Friederike Stecklum)
Die MLU legt Wert auf einen diskriminierungs- und gewaltfreien Umgang miteinander, eine gleichberechtigte und vertrauensvolle Zusammenarbeit sowie gute Arbeits- und Studienbedingungen. Daher hat sie sich eine Richtlinie zum Schutz vor Diskriminierung, (sexueller) Belästigung und Gewalt gegeben und eine Präventionsstelle geschaffen. Ihre Aufgabe ist, die Umsetzung der Richtlinie aktiv zu unterstützen und bestehende Verfahrenswege zu optimieren, um einen wirksamen Schutz vor Diskriminierung, (sexueller) Belästigung und Gewalt sowie die fachkundige Unterstützung betroffener Personen sicherzustellen.
Hierzu zählen die Konzeption von Weiterbildungsformaten und zielgruppenspezifischer Öffentlichkeitsarbeit sowie die Förderung der universitätsinternen und -externen Vernetzung im Bereich Diskriminierungsprävention und Opferberatung.
Die Präventionsstelle ist Beratungs- und Unterstützungsstelle für LSBTIQ*-Personen, die in universitären Kontexten Diskriminierung erleben. Sie ist für LSBTIQ*-Themen sensibilisiert und unter anderem Teil des Sprechendenteams der bukof-Kommission "Queere Hochschulpolitik" .
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In Halle (Saale)
AK Queer Halle |
The Arbeitskreis Queer Halle (Saale) is an association of socially and politically engaged people and groups in Halle (Saale), that advocates for the recognition, acceptance and legal equality of diverse gender and sexual lifestyles.
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AIDS-Hilfe Halle
The AIDS-Hilfe association Halle advises clients, which experience HIV based discrimination and informs them about possibilities to appeal and court actions relating thereto. The consultation is confidential and can be carried out anonymously. Personal advice can be provided in the advice center during the opening hours, also without pre-announcement. For brief questions there is also a telephone help-line.
Address: Leipziger Straße 32, 06108 Halle (Saale)
Telephone: 0345-19411
E-Mail: |
Anti-Discrimination Office Saxony-Anhalt |
Logo Anti-Discrimination Office Saxony-Anhalt
The anti-discrimination office Saxony-Anhalt offers consultation for people that experience discrimination on the grounds of their ethnic background, gender, religion or ideology, disabilities, age or sexual identity.
Address: Große Steinstraße 75, 06108 Halle (Saale)
Karl Boehmwald Porta
Mobile: 0176-20441392 | Landline: 0345-22580203
Julia Esefelder
Mobile: 0176-20443395 | Landline: 0345-22580203 |
Community & advice center „lebensart“ e.V. (BBZ) |
The specialist center for gender-sexual identity of the BBZ "lebensart" e.V. is the point of contact not only for homosexual and bisexual, non-binary, trans- and intersexual people, their families and friends, but also for authorities, counseling centers, educational institutions and all those who are concerned with gender-sexual identity in general and their own in particular.
The offer includes:
- Events for older children, young people, adults and professional multipliers* in Saxony-Anhalt on various levels and aspects of gender and sexual diversity on.
- Advice on the focal points: Questions and problems related to gender identity and sexual orientation. The consultations (in person, by telephone, by e-mail) for homosexual and bisexual, non-binary, inter- and transgender people as well as their relatives and friends are subject to confidentiality and are anonymous upon request.
- Information on various aspects of gender-sexual identity, including a wide range of specialized literature, brochures and materials for lending or taking away
- Organization of public professional events on various aspects of gender-sexual identity - e.g. readings, lectures, professional days, and theme and film evenings. Since 1997 it has been (co-)organizer of the Christopher Street Day Halle (Saale).
- Specialized library (children's and non-fiction books, fiction and films) and information center (magazines, brochures, flyers, postcards).
- Meeting place: youth group Queerulanten, group for Trans* and Inter*, relatives group Trans* and Inter*, Queer and faith, parents group of trans* children and youth, polyamory regulars' table, Cross Dreams Halle, Queer Club
Address: Beesener Str. 6, 06110 Halle (Saale)
Telephon: 0345-2023385
E-Mail: |
Dornrosa e.V. / women center Weiberwirtschaft |
Since 1990, the association Dornrosa e.V. has been committed to equality and queer issues. The services offered by the association include:
- Initial counseling for women and girls in various life and emergency situations with a focus on conflict and crisis situations and coming out. The counseling is also explicitly aimed at lesbians as well as parents of homosexual children. Counseling is personal and confidential by appointment.
- Library on women's and girls' issues as well as feminist and queer literature.
- Gallery café as a place to meet art by women. It is based on the idea of providing equal opportunities for regional women artists and creating a platform for them with exhibition spaces.
- Radio broadcast LeSBIT - the queer magazine on Radio Corax
- Encounter: Kids&Cake - queer parenthood, L*Stammtisch, feminist reading circle
Address: Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 34, 06114 Halle (Saale)
Telephon: 0345 2024331
E-Mail: |
Jugendnetzwerk Lambda Mitteldeutschland e.V. |
Logo Lambda Mitteldeutschland
The youth network Lambda Mitteldeutschland sees itself as a unique youth association of and for queer youth and young adults in Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia. Lambda is mainly engaged in the fields of youth work on a voluntary basis. In addition, the association sees itself as a political interest representation of queer young people in the area of Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia and offers LGBTIQ* young people the opportunity to organize, network and get involved collectively.
The range of services includes:
- Establishment and support of own queer youth groups in rural areas
- Networking with the project "Queernect", which provides a framework for youth groups and university departments in the state
- "Q* at school" as a format for project days at schools
- workshops on queer topics
- peer-to-peer counseling service "BeYourself!" for queer young people in Saxony-Anhalt, which is also mobile
- technical and content-related support at symposia
- introductory and sensitization workshops, in the context of sexual and gender diversity, for professionals
Membership is free for ages 14–27 and possible for ages 27 and older with a sustaining membership.
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Mobile counseling for victims of right wing, racist and antisemitic violence |
Logo: Mobile Opferberatung
The counseling advises and supports victims of right-wing extremist, racist, antisemitic, social Darwinist, homo- or transphobic attacks. The counseling provided is independent, free of charge, anonymous upon request and they take sides. They offer counseling at their office, at a place of your choice and online.
Address: Landsbergerstr. 1, 06112 Halle (Saale)
Telephon: 0345-2267100
E-Mail: |
Saaleperlen e.V. |
Saaleperlen e.V. is a gay and lesbian sports club in Halle (Saale).
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Rainbow Connection (Queer Refugees Support)
Since 2017, there has been a meeting point for LSBTI* refugees in the LSVD in Magdeburg. It offers advice and provides info for queer people, both with and without a migration background to help themselves. Lesbians, gays, trans*- and intersexual people and their relatives can inform themselves about questions of coming out, homosexuality, trans*-identity and sexual diversity.
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DIMSA* – LSBTIQ*-Diskriminierungs-Meldestelle in Sachsen-Anhalt
Die Zentrale Meldestelle für die Registrierung von Diskriminierung und Gewalt gegen Lesben, Schwule, Bi-, Trans*- und intergeschlechtlichen sowie queeren Menschen (LSBTIQ*) in Sachsen-Anhalt (DiMSA) sammelt und dokumentiert alle Diskriminierungs- und Gewaltvorfälle, die sich gegen queere jugendliche und erwachsene Frauen, Männer, Trans* und intergeschlechtliche Menschen gerichtet haben.
Hierzu zählen beispielsweise vorurteilsmotivierte lesben- schwulen- und trans*phobe Beleidigungen, körperliche Angriffe, Raubtaten sowie häusliche Gewalt, Sexismus und sexuelle Übergriffe.
Des Weiteren sind auch LSBTIQ-diskriminierende Vorfälle von Interesse, die sich beispielsweise im Kontext von Arbeitsplatz, Schule, im Kontakt mit Behörden und Ämtern – besonders auch deren Mitarbeiter*innen – ereignen, aber auch bezogen auf religiöse Einrichtungen.
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Kompetenzzentrum geschlechtergerechte Kinder- und Jugendhilfe (KgKJH e.V.)
The KgKJH in Magdeburg is a professional service center for gender competence, girls* work and boys* work as well as gender diversity in Saxony-Anhalt. The work of the KgKJH serves the networking and establishment of gender equitable approaches in child and youth welfare and in other areas that affect the living conditions of children and young people of all gender identities.
The aim of the work of the competence center is to establish real equality of opportunity in all areas of child and youth welfare and to promote gender equality in social work with children and young people in the state of Saxony-Anhalt, taking into account the diversity of life situations. The focus is on anchoring gender-equitable approaches in child and youth welfare as well as on establishing and qualifying offers specific to girls and boys in our federal state.
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Lesben-, Schwulen- und Queerpolitischer Runder Tisch Sachsen-Anhalt (LSQpRT) |
Der LSQpRT ist die politische und gesellschaftliche Interessenvertretung der LGBTIQ*-Vereine, -Organisationen und -Fachverbände in Sachsen-Anhalt.
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LSVD Landesverband Sachsen-Anhalt |
The LSVD is a civil rights association and represents the interests and concerns of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgender and intersex people. Human rights, diversity and respect - the LSVD wants LGBTI people to be accepted and recognized as a natural part of social normality.
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Queer & Trans Life Support – Queeres Anti-Gewalt- & Anti-Diskriminierungsprojekt (LSVD)
Schutz, Beratung, Hilfe und Vermittlung zu Fachstellen und Facheinrichtungen sowie zur Selbsthilfe für Lesben und Schwule, Bisexuelle, Transgender und intergeschlechtlichen Mitmenschen sind der zentrale Teil des Angebotes beim LSVD Sachsen-Anhalt. Das Angebot richtet sich hauptsächlich an Menschen, die konkrete Probleme und Konflikte haben oder die bezüglich ihrer Sexualität oder Lebenssituation Klarheit benötigen. Sie ist auch offen für Eltern, Angehörige und Bezugspersonen, die Informationen und Unterstützung suchen.
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Rosalinde e.V. |
The Rosalinde is a place for queer encounters, education and counseling in Leipzig. The offers and activities are primarily aimed at lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans* and intersex, as well as queer and asexual/aromantic people (in short: LSBTIQA*). In addition, they also advises families, relatives and multipliers.
The offer includes:
- comprehensive psychosocial and outreach counseling in Leipzig and the districts of North Saxony, Leipzig and Central Saxony
- Educational events for schools
- individual workshops and further education
- Support for rainbow clubs at schools
- Group meetings on various topics
- (spatial) possibilities for meeting and exchange
- Events on topics related to gender identities, sexual orientations and queer lifestyles
- political and cultural offers
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Trans* Inter* Aktiv Mitteldeutschland (TIAM e.V.) |
TIAM creates a platform for the concerns and needs of all people not located in the dual gender image. These include legal, medical, social and psychological needs, help with self-knowledge processes, quality standards for counseling services and the presentation of gender diversity to the public. TIAM offers space for exchange and cooperation between specialized agencies, affected persons, relatives and interested parties.
The offer includes:
- Networking and information provision for trans* and inter* persons as well as self-help groups in the region of Central Germany.
- Cooperation with ministries, medical centers, schools & counseling centers
- Educational work in schools and establishment of awareness projects
- Creation of qualification offers for psychologists and psychiatrists via relevant further education institutions, in order to ensure consistent counseling in Central Germany
- Training of mediators for arbitration in cases of discrimination
- Collaboration on state action plans
- Promotion of an authentic representation of trans* and inter* in the medial public
- Organization of scientific conferences
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Queer-friendly doctors and therapists
For many people from the LGBTIQ community and also other groups who have to deal with everyday discrimination, it is still often a problem to seek medical help. Especially in a dependency situation towards medical professionals and therapists, it is important to be able to trust the people with the medical training and not have to fear experiences of discrimination. The project Queermed Germany therefore collects recommendations from the community nationwide and makes them accessible.
This project is not a project of the University of Halle and the given recommendations are not checked by us.
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Bundesweite Forschungs-, Arbeits- und Karrierenetzwerke