"More diverse than you think."
As part of the HRK initiative "Vielfalt an deutschen Hochschulen (Diversity at German Universities)", the University of Halle's Anti-Discrimination Prevention and Advice Center was given the opportunity in the winter semester 2023/2024 to develop attractive measures to raise awareness of diversity and anti-discrimination issues in the university context.
Explanatory film: "More diverse than you think."

At our university, not only many but also very diverse people come together every day. Some aspects of diversity are directly visible, but others are not. We have produced an explanatory film on this topic, which was lovingly illustrated and animated by Louie Läuger .
The film is in german but you can turn on english subtitles.
"Your university is more diverse than you think!"

Since 2018, the Anti-Discrimination Prevention and Advice Center at the University of Halle has been offering various training and awareness-raising formats. We would like to expand this offer with attractive and practical e-learning courses that enable an initial as well as in-depth examination of the topics of diversity and anti-discrimination at any time and adapted to your everyday study and work life and provide you with concrete tips. The illustrations and animations in the e-learning offer were created by Louie Läuger .
Update: The courses are currently being created. As soon as they are published, they will be linked here.
Game: "Who will be a professor?"

What role do visible and invisible diversity characteristics play in an academic career path? In the interactive game "Who will become a professor?", players can play as fictitious characters on the path from a bachelor's degree to a professorship, encountering moments that help and hinder them and learning about university support structures.
The innovative game was developed by the Anti-Discrimination Prevention and Counselling Centre to raise awareness of diversity and discrimination in the university context in a playful way at information stands and in further education and teaching events.
The aim of the players is to become a professor. Whoever manages to climb the career ladder from bachelor's degree to professorship the fastest is the winner. The players do not play as themselves, but take on a different perspective: Their own game identity is shaped by the playing cards they draw. Booster cards advance your career, Braker cards slow down your career path, Support cards can neutralize Braker cards and Quiz cards allow you to progress if you answer diversity-specific questions correctly. Which cards are drawn is determined by the wheel of fortune, which thus becomes the wheel of fate.
The game consists of a wheel of fortune, a playing field with game pieces, 80 playing cards (including 10 cards of game instructions) and an answer sheet. All game components have been lovingly illustrated by Louie Läuger. The game is available in two versions: A large game variant with a shorter playing time for information stands and a table game variant with a longer playing time for use in further education and teaching events. Please note: The game is currently only available in German.
Interested to use the game?
Are you a teacher at MLU and would like to use the game with your students? With pleasure! In the continuing education programme, you will regularly find the event "Playfully sensitizing for diversity", in which we will be happy to introduce you to the game. You can then borrow it free of charge and use it in your teaching.

These awareness-raising formats were designed and implemented by the Anti-Discrimination Prevention and Counselling Centre at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg as part of the "Diversity at German Universities" initiative of the German Rectors' Conference (HRK).
The 'Initiative Vielfalt an deutschen Hochschulen' of the HRK is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) under the funding code 01FP22V01. The project is part of the initiative.