Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

Illustration: Eva Feuchter

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Racism and anti-Semitism

Hamas' terrorist attack on Israel on October 7, 2023 and the ongoing escalation of violence since then have not only had a horrific impact on the civilian population in Israel and the Gaza Strip. As a result, there has also been a renewed alarming rise in hatred, incitement and acts of violence in Germany, which does not even stop at universities.
Anti-Semitism and racism are not tolerated at the University of Halle. On this page you will find information on services at the University of Halle as well as in the city of Halle (Saale) and the region for people affected by racism and/or anti-Semitism.

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MLU Statements and Policies

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University development plan (2024-2029)

Chapter 6.4 of the University Development Plan (HEP) is dedicated to the topic of "Diversity and equal opportunities" and can be found on pages 55 to 62. It also contains information on the topics of racism and anti-Semitism.

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Declaration for democracy, diversity, tolerance and openness to the world

Declaration for democracy, diversity, tolerance and openness to the world

At its meeting on January 24, 2024, the Academic Senate of the University of Halle adopted a declaration that focuses on the university`s contribution to the promotion of democracy and peaceful coexistence in the world.

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Appeal: "Take defensive democracy seriously - think about banning the AfD"

In January 2024, numerous MLU academics signed the appeal: "Take defensive democracy seriously - think about banning the AfD":"Our democracy is currently more challenged than it has been for a long time. It is not a fair-weather event, but must prove itself when the going gets tough. Controversy is a constitutive element of a democracy and at the same time must always be conducted on the basis of the values of our liberal constitutional order. As lecturers at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, we feel a special responsibility to stand up for the free and democratic constitutional order. The "Alternative for Germany" jeopardises this to an unacceptable extent. Obviously, the AfD parliamentary group leader in Saxony-Anhalt recently took part in a meeting on the "Remigration Masterplan", which is reminiscent of the darkest hours of German history. It confirms what the Office for the Defence of the Constitution has been saying for some time and every knowledgeable observer knows: the AfD is definitely right-wing extremist.

The free and democratic constitutional order leaves no room for positions that seek to abolish it or to belittle it - and at the same time demands the highest degree of tolerance towards those with different political and ideological views. However, a defensive democracy is not defenceless when it comes down to it. In addition to a ban on the activities of proven right-wing extremists or the withdrawal of funding from a right-wing extremist party, a party ban is also possible as a last resort. This rightly has high hurdles and only comes into question if the Federal Constitutional Court finds that a party is actively and systematically aiming to impair or eliminate the free democratic basic order. It is becoming increasingly clear that this is exactly what the AfD is doing. Furthermore, it must not remain without consequences if a state office for the protection of the constitution categorises the AfD as definitely right-wing extremist. We are calling for an intensification of the debate on the appropriate way to deal with the AfD, which could also result in an application for a ban."

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Statement by the Rector: "We do not tolerate anti-Semitism on our campus."

At the meeting of the Academic Senate on 08.11.2023, Rector Prof. Dr. Claudia Becker made a statement at the beginning of the public part of the university meeting, which she read out on the occasion of the display of an unauthorized, anti-Semitic banner on the Steintor campus:

"We do not tolerate anti-Semitism on our campus.
In line with the statement by the HRK President, Prof. Dr. Walter Rosenthal, we do not tolerate violence, `neither verbal nor physical, no anti-Semitism, no racism whatsoever`. We all have a responsibility to create a respectful teaching, learning, research and working environment in which people at our university can feel safe. We will not tolerate violence, intimidation or demonstrations, whether verbal or in print, that are anti-Semitic or condone terror.
Only if we all stand up together against hatred, racism and anti-Semitism can we effectively stand up for peace, freedom and democracy."

The statement received the unreserved support of all members of the Senate. In conjunction with her statement, she called on all members and members of the university to take action and intervene non-violently if they become aware of incidents. For example, posters, notices, banners or the like displayed without permission should be taken down without putting themselves in danger. She concluded by informing the audience that a violation that had taken place two days previously had been reported. The Registrar, Mr. Funk, added that the State Security had also been called in.

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Statement by the Rector on terrorist attacks on Israel

The University of Halle condemns the terrorist attacks on Israel. In a statement dated 11.10.2023, Rector Prof. Dr. Claudia Becker comments on the current situation:

"We are deeply shocked by the violent attacks on the entire Israeli population. Our sympathies go out to all those affected by these terrible attacks and who are mourning and fearing for their friends and families - especially our students and researchers in and from Israel. The University of Halle stands by the side of its academic partners, with whom it has maintained close relations for many years. Peace, democracy and freedom are inviolable values."

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Diversity Statement

Diversity Statement

On 14.04.2021, the Academic Senate of the University of Halle adopted a diversity statement in which the university advocates, among other things, the appreciation, support and protection against discrimination of people of all ethnic origins and religions.

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To the policy

Policy on protection against discrimination, (sexual) harassment and violence

In its policy on protection against discrimination, (sexual) harassment and violence, it prohibits, among other things discrimination, (sexual) harassment and violence based on ethnic origin or religion and obliges its students and employees to contribute to a study and work environment free of discrimination and violence. Confidential counseling services and official complaints procedures are available for people who experience discrimination, (sexual) harassment or violence in a university context.

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More Information    

Action: Cosmopolitan university

MLU is joining other universities in a nationwide campaign against xenophobia and nationalism and is aggressively advocating open-mindedness and cosmopolitanism. In this way, the universities are reacting to racially motivated verbal and physical violence in Germany and to the isolationist tendencies in many countries. Perspectives, diversity of opinion, and international exchange are the foundations of research and teaching activities at universities. In view of increasing xenophobic tendencies and the rising success of populist slogans, universities feel challenged to stand up for these values together. The university administrations want to encourage the university members in their resistance against xenophobia and also act accordingly in their regional and international networks. An open and international campus and the international mobility of teachers and students are essential foundations for high-quality teaching, learning and research.

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To the letter

Open Letter on Dealing with the "Identitäre Bewegung"

In January 2018, the Rectorate and the StuRa of MLU published an Open Letter regarding the "Identitäre Bewegung", which was still present on the Steinor campus at that time.

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Counseling and support services

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Illustration Beratung (MLU / Louie Läuger)

Illustration Beratung (MLU / Louie Läuger)

Have you experienced or observed a racist or anti-Semitic situation? You can contact the following. Here you will receive confidential support and advice on how to protect yourself and take action. All information, personal data and the content of the counselling session will be treated confidentially. The counselling centres only become active in specific individual cases with the consent of the person concerned.

Antidiscrimination Prevention and Counseling Center of the MLU

Students and guests of the MLU who experience or observe racist, anti-Semitic, anti-Muslim or other discrimination in the university context can contact Sabine Wöller from the Prevention and Counseling Center for Anti-Discrimination at the University of Halle in confidence. Consultations are possible in German and English and, if desired, anonymously. Appointments can be made individually by e-mail.

Photo: Sabine Wöller (Photographer: Friederike Stecklum)

[Image description: Sabine Wöller is standing on the Universitätsplatz, with the 
Audimax in the background. She wears a black and white patterned shirt and a 
black blouse, has a red dyed streak and looks smiling into the camera].

Photo: Sabine Wöller (Photographer: Friederike Stecklum) [Image description: Sabine Wöller is standing on the Universitätsplatz, with the Audimax in the background. She wears a black and white patterned shirt and a black blouse, has a red dyed streak and looks smiling into the camera].


Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Stabsstelle Vielfalt und Chancengleichheit
Präventions- und Beratungsstelle Antidiskriminierung
Sabine Wöller

room 303, 3. OG
Dachritzstraße 12
06108 Halle (Saale)
How to reach us    

phone: 0345-55 21013


postal address:
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Stabsstelle Vielfalt und Chancengleichheit
Präventions- und Beratungsstelle Antidiskriminierung
Sabine Wöller
06099 Halle (Saale)

Social and conflict counseling center of the MLU

Employees of the MLU who experience or observe racist, anti-Semitic, anti-Muslim or other discrimination in the university context can contact Anke Märker from the Social and Conflict Counseling Center at the University of Halle in confidence.

Photo: Social and Conflict Counseling Center 

(Photographer: Michael Deutsch)

[Image description: The photo shows Anke Märker laughing as she stands between 
two fists that have red boxing gloves on them. She is wearing a patterned blouse 
and has brown hair tied in a braid].

Photo: Social and Conflict Counseling Center (Photographer: Michael Deutsch) [Image description: The photo shows Anke Märker laughing as she stands between two fists that have red boxing gloves on them. She is wearing a patterned blouse and has brown hair tied in a braid].


Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Sozial- und Konfliktberatung
Anke Märker, Diplom-Psychologin

Barfüßerstraße 17
(Hinterhaus, rechter Eingang)
06108 Halle (Saale)
How to reach us    

phone: 0345 - 55 21572


Representative for International Students and Academics of the Academic Senate

The Representative for International Students and Academics acts as a confidant and contact person for international students and academics at MLU in the event of problems within the university and with authorities and institutions in the city of Halle.

Photo: Prof. Dr. Gregor Borg (Photographer: Maike Glöckner)

[Image description: The photo shows Prof. Dr. Anita von Poser in fornt of a gray 
background. She wears a dark blue shirt, has shoulder-length brown hair and 
laughs into the camera.]

Photo: Prof. Dr. Gregor Borg (Photographer: Maike Glöckner) [Image description: The photo shows Prof. Dr. Anita von Poser in fornt of a gray background. She wears a dark blue shirt, has shoulder-length brown hair and laughs into the camera.]


Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Institut für Ethnologie
Beauftragte für internationale Studierende und Wissenschaftler*innen des akademischen Senats
Prof. Dr. Anita von Poser

Reichardtsraße 11
06114 Halle (Saale)

phone: 0345-5524191


International Office of the MLU

MLU is engaged in a lively international exchange with universities from all over the world. Around 2,000 international students and 500 international scientists enliven university and city life on a daily basis. The International Office team advises on financing and funding opportunities, support services and language courses, and supports foreign guests and students on their way to MLU and during their stay. Together with the Human Resources Development Department, the International Office has developed the certificate program "International Competence", which contributes to the promotion of international competencies of employees through various offers. MLU employees and trainees receive the certificate once they have successfully completed the modules "Foreign Language Competence", "Intercultural Awareness" and "International Exchange".

For more information, visit the International Office website and their Instagram page   .

Department for international students of the student council of the MLU

Logo Referat für internationale Studierende

Logo Referat für internationale Studierende

The university life of international students is coined by various obstacles and challenges. Eventual language barriers, German bureaucracy with its many forms and requirements and cultural misunderstandings, complicate (university) life. The  international(s) department helps international students in finding answers to their questions and supports them, to get along with their everyday life in Germany. Furthermore, it is linked with multiple initiatives and university institutions and tries to provide assistance in occuring problems.

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Hilfe für ausländische Studierende e. V. (HauS) of the MLU

The association, established in 1994, supports international students that got into difficulties by no fault of them through membership fees and donations. The financial aid occurs after careful examinations within time-limits that are sufficiently short and unbureaucratically as possible, e.g. by covering the costs for rents, health insurance, aid for subsistence prior to intermediate or final examinations.

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Landesstudienkolleg Halle

The preparatory college of Saxony-Anhalt is the first preparatory college in Germany. It is a cooperation of the Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg and the Hochschule Anhalt. It conveys the required qualifications for a successful higher education including the adequate knowledge of the German language to particularly those foreign students whose previous experience do not correspond to the German admission qualifications. The department in Halle ("Studienkolleg" for short) is a central department of the country Saxony-Anhalt at the MLU in Halle. In addition, the college is a licensed test centre for the certification of the TestDaF. The college also carries out the professional-project together with the Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

Since May 2016, the Studienkolleg at MLU has been supporting refugees who wish to study in Saxony-Anhalt with a special program. The aim of this support program is to prepare applicants with a refugee background linguistically, professionally and methodologically in such a way that it is possible to study in German at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, in Saxony-Anhalt or at another German university.

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Uniextern counseling and support services

Mobile Opferberatung    

Mobile counseling for victims of right wing, racist and antisemitic

The counseling advises and supports victims of right-wing extremist, racist, antisemitic, social Darwinist, homo- or transphobic attacks. The counseling provided is independent, free of charge, anonymous upon request and they take sides. They offer counseling at their office, at a place of your choice and online.

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OFEK Sachsen-Anhalt    

OFEK Saxony-Anhalt - Counseling and Anti-Semitism Reporting Office

OFEK e.V. advises and supports victims, relatives and witnesses of anti-Semitic incidents and acts of violence and brings Jewish perspectives into the social and political debate.
The RIAS Saxony-Anhalt Anti-Semitism Reporting Office, which is run by OFEK, documents anti-Semitic incidents throughout the state. It works in close cooperation with Jewish organizations and local civil society advisory networks and is a member of the federal working group of the Federal Association of Research and Information Centres on Anti-Semitism (RIAS e.V.). Reported incidents from Saxony-Anhalt are recorded by the regional team and entered on the federal association`s platform. The reporters remain anonymous if they wish.

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Entknoten – Beratungsstelle gegen Alltagsrassismus und Diskriminierung    

Entknoten – counseling service against racist discrimination

Entknoten advises and supports in case of racist discrimination. The consultation provided is independent, confidential, free of charge and anonymously upon request. The advisory team consults in German, English and Farsi. Language mediators can be arranged, if necessary. The office is largely accessible free of barriers.

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Remembrance of Anton Wilhelm Amo at the MLU

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Anton Wilhelm Amo is considered the first and, for a very long time, the only Afro-German academic. He studied in Halle and Wittenberg, where he received his doctorate in 1734. His Halle dissertation was devoted to the legal status of black people in Europe (De iure Maurorum in Europa), the Wittenberg dissertation to the body-soul issue (De humanae mentis apatheia). Amo worked there, as well as from 1736 in Halle and in 1739 in Jena as a lecturer of philosophy.

Among other things, Amo devoted himself to the rights of black people in Europe. His criticism was directed at laws that could not be justified rationally and at legal interpretations that were geared solely to the welfare of the legislators. With his admonition for humanity in jurisprudence, which in case of doubt should always take precedence over strict law, he proved to be an early advocate of human rights.


Rectorate Commission Anton Wilhelm Amo

In 2019, MLU founded a working group, now active as the Rector`s Commission "Anton Wilhelm Amo," dedicated to the dignified memory of Anton Wilhelm Amo as the first Afro-German member of the university. The memory of his person and his work is part of the university`s history and thus of the present.

Amo`s tribute is a reminder that universities must be open to all people, regardless of ethnic, religious or other affiliations. It is done beyond stereotyping in the name of freedom from discrimination and with vigilance for unjust power dynamics. MLU acts in public space and with different groups and institutions. It tries to broaden and at the same time sharpen the view through the active, lively and open remembrance of Amo with lectures, award ceremonies, naming ceremonies and an appropriate public memorial place and thus also to make visible today`s tensions between social participation and discrimination.

The current juxtaposition of the Amo memorial plaque with the bronze sculpture "Free Africa" on University Square is inappropriate and precarious. It was supplemented by a stainless steel plaque in the summer semester of 2021, indicating that the commemoration was being reformed.

On a special page of the Prorectorate for Research and Education of MLU you will find comprehensive information on the work of the commission compiled.

[ Special page Anton Wilhelm Amo ]

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Amo Lecturas

Amo Lectures

The ANTON WILHELM AMO LECTURES have been organised annually since 2013 at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg by the Research Cluster “Society and Culture in Motion”. They feature internationally acclaimed scholars presenting their ongoing research on themes connected to or emanating from the work of Amo.

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Anton Wilhelm Amo Prize

In memory and honor of Anton Wilhelm Amo, MLU has been awarding the Anton Wilhelm Amo Prize annually since 1994 for diploma, master`s, state examination and master`s theses or comparable achievements, with preference given to works by foreign graduates. The choice of Amos as the namesake of this prize is intended to emphasize that MLU is open to all people, regardless of religion and culture, skin color and origin.

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Art meets Culture of Remembrance: New Exhibition on Amo at MLU

What might a contemporary remembrance of Anton Wilhelm Amo look like, about whose life and appearance little or nothing is known? This is the question addressed by the new exhibition "Focus Amo. Images for a Scholar" at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU), which will be on display in the Löwengebäude starting Friday, October 20, 2023. Nine artists have created a joint work for it that approaches the man and his life.

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Teaching at MLU

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An overview of thematic courses at the University of Halle can be found here.

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Networking at the MLU and in the city of Halle

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Bi_PoC University Group Halle

The Bi_PoC University Group Halle is a group of students for students that campaigns for discrimination-free studies and the empowerment of Bi_PoC students.

BiPoC (Black, Indigenous and People of Color) is a self-designation of people with experiences of racism who are not perceived as white, German and Western and/or do not define themselves as such.

It is not about skin color, but about naming racism and the power relations in a predominantly white society. The group is concerned with the visualization, networking and empowerment of Bi_PoC in Halle.


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Halle Postkolonial Instagram    

Halle Postkolonial

The group "Halle Postcolonial", founded by students from different disciplines, is a group of young activists. The group sees itself as part of a larger movement that works to combat colonial continuities in numerous cities. Among other forms of action, they regularly conduct city walks to show, using the example of places in the city, how the racist, anti-Semitic normal state is maintained through the lack of addressing and combating structures that have existed since colonial times (among other things). In addition to educational work, they emphasize anti-racist solidarity and networking work in the city.

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Jewish safe space for students, trainees and teachers in Halle

In cities like Halle, it can feel like you are the only Jewish person on campus, in your circle of friends or in the entire city. But we are here to tell you: you are not alone. In light of the ongoing events, we have decided to create a safe space for Jewish students, trainees and teaching staff from all backgrounds at universities and educational institutions in the Halle/Leipzig area. We think that it is important right now to come together, exchange ideas and give each other support. Our wish is to give you a feeling of security and togetherness. The events since 7 October 2023 and the subsequent developments are getting to many of us. The fear that is spreading in our minds has been anchored in us for many generations. Sometimes the fear is difficult for non-Jewish people to grasp, even if they try. Sometimes people are simply tired of having to explain themselves all the time. You won`t have to do that with us. We want to give you a break. Being Jewish here does not mean having to show your membership of the community or your family tree. It explicitly refers to all Jewish people who identify as such. No matter which side of the family you are Jewish on, whether you are religious or not, whether you have much or little connection to your Jewish roots...The programme starts in January 2024. Participation is possible via a registration form. The exact venue will be announced after registration. There is a safety and awareness concept. A valid identity document is required.

An offer with the kind support of:

Jewish Studies at the University of Halle
Jewish Alliance of Central Germany
Halle against the Right - Alliance for Civil Courage

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Migrant Voices Halle Instagram    

Migrant Voices Halle

Migrant Voices Halle is an association of migrant and immigrant people in Halle (Saale).

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Projects and actions at the MLU

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Defending democracy: Halle University offers an extensive programme for the project week

May 2024

The University of Halle is organising the project week "Defending Democracy" from Monday, 3 June to Friday, 7 June 2024. It is initiated and largely supported by the Institute of Political Science of the Faculty of Humanities I. The universities in the state of Saxony-Anhalt are participating in the project week with further events.

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Appeal: Take defensive democracy seriously - think about banning the AfD

January 2024

More than 50 academics from Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg have called for an intensive debate on the appropriate way to deal with the AfD. The paper states that democracy has not been challenged for a long time.

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Study day of the Faculty of Theology: What role does religion play in war?

December 2023

The study day "Theologies facing the challenge of war and violence", which will take place on 17 January 2024 at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU), will deal with a topic that could hardly be more topical against the backdrop of the wars in Ukraine and the Middle East. What role does religion play in war? Is it used, does it promote peace or is it always equally ambivalent? Scholars from all over the world will discuss this area of tension together with the theologians from Halle. The study day is an event organised by the Faculty of Theology together with the two Protestant churches of Saxony-Anhalt and is open to all interested parties.

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"A tangible memento": Exhibition on Amo opens

October 2023
What could a contemporary remembrance of Anton Wilhelm Amo look like? An initial answer is provided by the new exhibition "Focus on Amo. Images for a Scholar", which can be seen in the Kupferstichkabinett. Nine artists from Halle have created a joint work for this exhibition. Over 100 guests from the university, urban society and politics attended the vernissage on Thursday.

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University service: Commemoration of the victims of 9 October

October 2023
At the start of the semester, university preacher Prof Dr Friedemann Stengel called on everyone to remember the victims of the assassin in the introduction to his sermon. He asked all guests to leave the Marktkirche quietly after the blessing and join the city's memorial service at the Red Tower.

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Policy paper on refugees: Shared accommodation violates human rights

July 2023
Housing refugees in large communal accommodation centres disregards their human rights and at the same time prevents effective migration management. This is the conclusion reached by migration researchers from the University of Halle in a new policy paper in the "Zeitschrift für Ausländerrecht". In it, they describe how the current practice can contribute to psychological and social problems for residents and at the same time prevent better integration. The researchers call for a comprehensive reform of the asylum system and make specific recommendations for action.

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One university - one book: "Remembering as an ethical resource"

June 2023
"Memory in Complexity": On june 2023, the project for Charlotte Wiedemann`s book "Den Schmerz der Anderen begreifen" ("Understanding the Pain of Others") officially started at MLU - with a moving evening in the auditorium, also because the author herself gave many personal insights into her work and life.

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Migration and social inequality in schools: MLU offers new training programme for teachers

June 2023
Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) is supporting teachers in dealing with cultural diversity with a new training programme. Teachers receive special training and carry out a teaching project with their students in which they are encouraged to take an in-depth look at their own identity. The Thuringian Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport is funding the project with around 600,000 euros. It is also intended to help teachers to better support young people from immigrant families and thus reduce educational inequality in the state: In Thuringia, one in four of them leaves school without a qualification.

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Scorch marks of a united country

June 2023
The memory of German unity must also be a memory of the right-wing violence of the early 1990s, say Prof Dr Till Kössler and Dr Janosch Steuwer from the Institute of Education.

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Knowledge transfer: Much praise for video series on migration law

April 2023
Together with the German Red Cross, lawyers of the MLU have created a series of training videos on migration law. The first series is finished and freely available online. The feedback from the practice is very positive.

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Podcast: Diaries under National Socialism

April 2023

Writing diaries was extremely popular under National Socialism - among supporters of the regime as well as critics. Anyone who still has such a diary from their grandparents today can consider themselves lucky, because you can learn a lot from it. Melanie`s grandparents also kept such a diary for their children. But how exactly does one go about reading it? And how should one go about it? Historian Janosch Steuwer from the University of Halle knows exactly. He has examined 140 diaries between 1933 and 1939. He says: with the so-called seizure of power in January 1933, politics literally forced its way into the diaries, because the Nazi regime demanded that people engage with it and fit their own lives into its ideology.

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East Germany: Better educational opportunities for young people from immigrant families

October 2022
Young people from immigrant families are significantly more likely to attend grammar school in eastern Germany than in the west. At 56 per cent, their share is even significantly higher than that of their peers whose parents were born in Germany - here it is around 45 per cent. This is shown by a representative analysis of the educational situation of young people, which was conducted under the direction of Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU). In the West, just 28 per cent of young people from immigrant families attend grammar school. This large difference between East and West is also due to the social background of the parents, as the researchers write in the "Zeitschrift für Soziologie".

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New project questions African research in Germany

September 2022
The project "African Studies in Germany through the lens of Critical Race Theory" has been successful in the Volkswagen Foundation's new funding initiative "Aufbruch - Neue Forschungsräume für die Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften": a team from the University of Bayreuth, the Max Planck Institute for Human Development in Berlin and Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) is now jointly investigating African studies in Germany from the perspective of Critical Race Theory. MLU will receive up to 138,000 euros for the project.

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Structural racism: New research project and lecture series at the University of Halle

May 2022
A new research project and a lecture series at the Law Department of Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) are focussing on the foundations and causes of structural and institutional racism: a project funded by the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Homeland (BMI) is investigating how decisions and communication by authorities can lead to discrimination. The lecture series examines the topic from various legal and socio-political perspectives. To kick off the series tomorrow, Tuesday 3 May, project leader Prof. Dr Winfried Kluth will present the new research project from 6 pm. The event will take place online.

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"Theatre is an event"

February 2022
How are flight and migration treated in German and French theatre? What new opportunities arise for migrants? And how can theatre contribute to overcoming political challenges? The junior research group "Migration and Flight" is investigating these questions. This week, the members are meeting in Halle for a workshop. Romance philologist PD Dr Natascha Ueckmann is supervising the project at MLU and will talk about the research.February 2022
How are flight and migration treated in German and French theatre? What new opportunities arise for migrants? And how can theatre contribute to overcoming political challenges? The junior research group "Migration and Flight" is investigating these questions. This week, the members are meeting in Halle for a workshop. Romance philologist PD Dr Natascha Ueckmann is supervising the project at MLU and will talk about the research.

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Reappraisal of university history: How political were honorary doctorates at MLU?


140 honorary doctorates were awarded at MLU between 1933 and 1989. On behalf of the Senate, the Commission for the Reappraisal of University History in the Dictatorships of the 20th Century has looked into them. Prof. Dr. Friedemann Stengel, head of the commission, and doctoral student Jakob Debelka talk to Unimagazin about the results.

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New plaque: University explains work on Amo commemoration

MLU is working on a new concept to commemorate Anton Wilhelm Amo, the first Afro-German academic at a German university who worked in Halle and Wittenberg. At the Universitätsring, the rector and the chairman of the appointed rectorate commission inaugurated a plaque pointing out the disparity between the artwork "Free Africa" and a memorial plaque for Amo placed nearby in 1975

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"A differentiated memory of Amo"

June 2021
Anton Wilhelm Amo was the first Afro-German academic at a German university in the 18th century and worked in Halle and Wittenberg. But how does MLU commemorate its alumnus Amo today? A commission of the Rectorate is looking into the issue. Its chairman, Vice-Rector for Research Prof Dr Wolfgang Paul, explains in an interview how it came about and what should change in Amo's memory.

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Cultural diversity: How can prejudices be prevented in school classes?

June 2021
Previous approaches to addressing cultural diversity in schools can reinforce prejudices instead of reducing them. This is suggested by a study led by researchers from Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) and the University of Potsdam. In a survey of more than 1,300 pupils, the team also found that a nuanced approach to the topic could counteract these negative effects: Cultures should be discussed less schematically and using striking examples, but as dynamic, individual and diverse. The results were published in the journal "Contemporary Educational Psychology".

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New impetus for legal training: MLU launches lecture series on National Socialism and racism

May 2021
The new constitution of Saxony-Anhalt contains an article that obliges each and every individual to take action against the spread of National Socialist, racist and anti-Semitic ideas. But what does this mean, and what does it mean for universities and especially for the training of lawyers? A new lecture series at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU), which begins on Monday, 10 May at 6 pm, is dedicated to these questions. In the course of the series, Judge Ursula Mertens will also report on her experiences in the trial against the Halle assassin. The lectures will take place as an online event.

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Between high literature and racism: The heavy legacy of the American South

April 2021
"Belles and Poets" is the title of the book by PD Dr Julia Nitz from the Institute of English and American Studies, which has met with great interest, particularly in the USA. In the non-fiction book, which is based on her habilitation, she analyses the diaries of eight wealthy Southern women from the time of the American Civil War (1861-65) to show how deeply racism is still anchored in American society today and where the lines of tradition run.

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New Rectorate Commission for the Reappraisal of University History in the Dictatorships of the 20th Century

A new Rector`s Commission has been convened at MLU to review the university`s history during the dictatorships of the 20th century. It is chaired by Prof. Dr. Friedemann Stengel.

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University award for theology graduate for diploma thesis on the
Concept of the Occident and its Use by the New Right

July 2020
MLU graduate Philine Lewek received this year`s Werner Krusche University Award from the Evangelical Church in Central Germany (EKM) and the Evangelical Church of Anhalt. The prize was awarded for her thesis submitted to the Faculty of Theology on the concept of the Occident and its use by the New Right. The regional bishop of Halle, Dr. Johann Schneider, presented the award on Tuesday.

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Books from Buchenwald

March 2020
Dr Stephan Pabst has launched an ambitious project: he wants to open up the literature produced by the Buchenwald concentration camp and discover as yet unknown works, including those by Eastern European authors. The project kicked off with an international conference in Weimar.

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Student project: The bitter pill


How do social factors influence your health? For example, what impact do the place you live or work have on your well-being? Students of journalism and medicine at the University of Halle swallow the bitter pill together and get to the bottom of health disadvantages on Instagram. @bittere.pille wants to show how the environment claims health. The project researches the places where diseases originate and shows that health is a challenge for society as a whole.

It deals with topics that otherwise receive too little attention. They present these in various media formats on their channel. This also includes discrimination topics such as racism in the health care system.

The bitter pill is part of the project "Diagnosis:Invisible", which makes the effects of social inequality on health visible in various formats. The project was created in the Multimedia and Authorship program at MLU. The project is funded by the international media network Are We Europe.

Note: The project has since been renamed "upstream.mail".

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Rich history: Jewish cultural days in Halle

October 2019
"Modernity in Judaism" is the theme of the seventh edition of the Jewish Culture Days in Halle for an entire month: 40 events are on the programme from 27 October. It is organised by the Friends of the Leopold Zunz Centre, hosted by the Jewish Community of Halle and the University's Department of Jewish Studies.

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Sea rescue in the Mediterranean: Lawyers from Halle analyse the current legal situation

September 2019
Who is responsible for refugees who arrive in Europe by sea and find themselves in distress? What are the tasks and obligations of the European Union and its member states in these cases? And what role does the European Convention on Human Rights play? Legal scholars at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) provide a comprehensive overview of this complex topic in a new book. In it, they also show why the current legal situation leads to many problems and what alternatives there are.

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The shaping of Jewish traditions

May 2019
He is working on a wealth of knowledge spanning more than 3,000 years. On 1 April, Prof. Dr Ottfried Fraisse was appointed Professor of Jewish Studies at the University of Halle. The academic specialises in issues such as the relationship between Judaism and Islam from the Middle Ages to the present day.

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MLU returns remains of indigenous Australians from Meckel's collections to Australia

April 2019

The mortal remains of five indigenous Australians passed from the Meckel Collections of MLU into the responsibility of Australia. The so-called "Repatriation Ceremony" was attended by the Director of the Institute of Anatomy and Cell Biology (IAZ), Prof. Dr. Heike Kielstein, as well as the Chairman of the Friends of the Meckel Collections and former Director of the IAZ, Prof. Dr. Dr. Bernd Fischer, and the Head of the Department of University Medicine in the Saxony-Anhalt Ministry of Science, Uwe Paul, from Halle University Medical Center. Saxony`s Minister of Science Eva-Maria Stange and representatives from the Dresden State Art Collections were also guests; the state returned mortal remains of 37 people to Australia.

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Student Project: Hanoi X Halle. Vietnamese Life Before and After 1989 in East Germany


In 2017, MuK students Vivien Cockshot, Nam Nguyen, Jan Petter and Linh Pham worked on a project about the history of Vietnamese contract workers in Germany before and after 1989, combining memories, interviews and images to create a multimedia story. The project was developed as part of the practical seminar: "Multimedia" under the direction of substitute professor Dr. Werner C. Barg.
On the anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, the scrollytelling website was officially launched and tells in three portraits about the everyday struggle for a future, one`s own job, against everyday hostility and racism.

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Language courses for refugees: Prepared for studies

July 2018

In 2016, the University of Halle launched programs for refugees who want to study. By mid-2018, around 600 young men and women had taken advantage of special language courses alone. With the help of funding from the state and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the focus is not only on the necessary language skills, but also on counseling before the start of studies. Student aid projects are also supported.

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