Symposium on sexualized violence and discrimination at scientific institutions
Ausführliche Informationen und eine Dokumentation der Themenwoche finden Sie auf unserem Themenwochenblog.

Gestaltung: Sophie Pischel und Luise Menz
Date, venue and topics
october 5-6th 2020 | Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg
Hashtags like #MeToo raise collective awareness: sexualized violence and discrimination is still a current topic, though often tabooed. It can occur in all social spheres – scientific institutions as studying and working places are not exempted from that and therefore obligated to actively oppose discrimination, sexual harassment and violence in their spatial and cultural infrastructure.
Whereas official notified cases at institutions are rather seldom, inquiries suggest that estimated numbers are much higher. People affected often remain silent for fear of negative consequences in view of their professional future, shame, feelings of powerlessness or guilt, self-doubt or because they do not know about any contact points. If there is no appropriate support, the implications for institutions and people affected are grave. Onerous physical and psychological consequences can lead to avoidance behavior, illness, power loss and dismissal or rather dropping out from university.
As part of the two-day symposium we want to shed some light on this complex and important topic, in particular with regard to all members of scientific institutions. We want to discuss legal conditions, protection gaps, duties and possibilities for action, as well as create a space that allows exchange of experiences. The symposium is equally intended for students, direction, administration, tutors and scientists and aims to encourage and empower a (pro)active and confident action of participants.
It is supported to serve as a basis for new- as well as an affirmartion of pre-existing cooperations, and the exploration of joint projects, measures and regulations. We invite you, not to treat the topics sexualized violence and discrimination as a taboo, but encourage you to actively develop concepts for protection and prevention, which enable a more convenient handling, and support everyone involved, as well as create a working and studying atmosphere, in which everyone feels comfortable and can make the most of her*his*their potentials.
We are happy, if you already save the date and are looking forward to welcome you at our symposium. We would appreciate, if you share the information within your networks.
Language: German
- digitaler Materialtisch und digitale Ausstellung zu thematischen Präventionskampagnen von Hochschulen
- Ausstellung "#MeToo und die Universität" (FU Berlin) (online)
Programmheft zur Themenwoche
Vorläufiges Programmheft zur Themenwoche zum Download:
(externe Datei)

Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg

Stabsstelle Vielfalt und Chancengleichheit
Präventionsstelle Diskriminierung und sexuelle Belästigung

Gleichstellungsbüro der MLU

Gleichstellungskommission der Hochschule Merseburg

Büro für Gleichstellung der BURG Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle
In Kooperation mit

Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Sachsen-Anhalt

Koordinierungsstelle Genderforschung und Chancengleichheit Sachsen-Anhalt (KGC)


Landeskonferenz der Gleichstellungsbeauftragten der Hochschulen und Universitätsklinika Sachsen-Anhalt (LaKoG)

Netzwerkstelle AGG Sachsen-Anhalt

Studierendenrat der MLU
Gefördert von

Ministerium für Justiz und Gleichstellung des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt

Stiftung Rechtsstaat Sachsen-Anhalt e.V.

Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft Sachsen-Anhalt
