Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

Illustration: Eva Feuchter


MLU Diversity Statement (german)
Diversity Statement.pdf (1.3 MB)  vom 27.09.2021

Directive in the protection against discrimination, (sexual) harassment and violence
15_08_01.pdf (externe Datei)

Regulations concerning administrative procedures in case of violence, threats and sexual harassment from students
23_03_03.pdf (externe Datei)

Dienstvereinbarung zur Bekämpfung von Mobbing
dv_mobbing.pdf (externe Datei)


Stabsstelle Vielfalt und Chancengleichheit
Präventions- und Beratungsstelle Antidiskriminierung
Sabine Wöller

phone: 0345/55-21013

room 303, 3. OG
Dachritzstraße 12
06108 Halle (Saale)

How to reach us    

postal address:
Stabsstelle Vielfalt und Chancengleichheit
Präventions- und Beratungsstelle Antidiskriminierung
Sabine Wöller
06099 Halle (Saale)

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Login for editors

Office for the Prevention of Discrimination and Sexual Harassment

Green Line

Green Line

"We are here for you."

Wir sind für dich da. (Illustration: Eva Feuchter)

Wir sind für dich da. (Illustration: Eva Feuchter)

Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg attaches great importance to non-discriminatory and non-violent interaction, equal and trustworthy collaboration as well as good working and study conditions. Hence, it established a directive for the prevention of discrimination, (sexual) harassment and violence and created a contact office.

Since 2018 the Discrimination and Sexual Harassment Prevention Office has been actively supporting the implementation of this directive and was made permanent in 2021 as the Antidiscrimination Prevention and Counseling Office.

Its activities include:

  • Providing information on possible courses of action in discrimination cases
  • Analysis of the need for action as well as further development and establishment of procedures in discrimination cases
  • Raising awareness of discrimination issues through further training and public relations work
  • Confidential consultation and support of affected persons
  • Intra- and extra-university networking in the field of anti-discrimination

The Prevention and Counseling Center is part of MLU's Staff Unit for Diversity and Equal Opportunity.

Green Line

Green Line

Feel free to contact us

Green Line

Green Line

You can contact us, if...

  • ... you consider to take action or have any suggestions
  • ... you heard about a case of discrimination or feel yourself discriminated and would like to receive counseling and support
  • ... you wish for continuing education in the field of anti-discrimination
  • ... are unsure how to act in a discrimination-sensitive manner in concrete situations in your everyday study or work life.
  • ... are doing research in the field of anti-discrimination at the university or are otherwise active and would like to network.k

Where to find us

Icon: Where to find us

Icon: Where to find us

The Anti-Discrimination Prevention and Counseling Center is located in the immediate vicinity of Uniplatz at Dachritzstraße 12. First, walk into the inner courtyard. You can enter the building through a glass door. Here you will also find an elevator. To get to the staircase, keep to the left. Our office is located on the top floor. You can reach it by turning left immediately from the staircase and then left again at the end of the corridor.

In our short info film you will also find visual directions.



Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Stabsstelle Vielfalt und Chancengleichheit
Präventions- und Beratungsstelle Antidiskriminierung
Sabine Wöller

room 303, 3. OG
Dachritzstraße 12
06108 Halle (Saale)
How to reach us    

phone: 0345-55 21013


postal address:
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Stabsstelle Vielfalt und Chancengleichheit
Präventions- und Beratungsstelle Antidiskriminierung
Sabine Wöller
06099 Halle (Saale)

Green Line

Green Line

Our offers

Green Line

Green Line

Confidential consultation and support

Icon: Counseling

Icon: Counseling

If you have experienced or observed discrimination in university contexts, you are welcome to contact the Anti-Discrimination Prevention and Counseling Center.

Counseling sessions are confidential and can be anonymous upon request. Your perspective, experiences and needs are the focus of the consultation. Together, in a protected and confidential setting, we examine which strategies for action are possible in dealing with the specific situation. Further steps will only be taken with your consent.

Consultations can take place in presence, via video conference or by telephone. Please simply make an appointment by e-mail:

The Anti-Discrimination Prevention and Counseling Center is primarily responsible for persons who do not have an employment contract with the university and belong to the following member groups:

  • Students
  • Exchange students
  • Doctoral students
  • Students and fellow students of the Landesstudienkolleg
  • Doctoral candidates
  • Habilitation candidates
  • Guest and second students
  • Scholarship holders
  • Guests

In addition, the Anti-Discrimination Prevention and Counseling Center is the primary point of contact for trans*, inter*, and non-binary individuals who experience discrimination in university contexts due to their gender identity - regardless of your membership group or employment contract with the university.

At the University of Halle there are several places where affected persons can get confidential advice and support. You can find an overview here.

Green Line

Green Line

Awareness and training



We regularly organize events on intersectional anti-discrimination topics. Here you can find an overview of all upcoming and previous events.

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Event series: Diversity@University

Event series: Diversity@University

Since the 2020/2021 winter semester, we have been inviting high-profile experts to our event series, raising awareness of discrimination issues and highlighting opportunities for solidarity-based action.

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"Vielfältiger, als du denkst."

Im Rahmen der HRK-Initiative "Vielfalt an deutschen Hochschulen" entwickeln wir im Wintersemester 2023/2024 neue attraktive Sensibilisierungsmaßnahmen: Einen Erklärfilm, ein interaktives Spiel und ein E-Learning-Angebot.

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Theme week #MeToo in science?!

Theme week #MeToo in science?!

In 2020 we conducted an extensive theme week on sexualized discrimination and violence at academic institutions at the University of Halle together with other actors. On our theme week blog you will find comprehensive documentation of the event. On our theme week blog you will find comprehensive documentation and further information. The documentation is also available in printed form. You can obtain a copy free of charge from us.

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Green Line

Green Line


hoto: Sabine Wöller and students at the information booth (Photographer: Markus Scholz)

hoto: Sabine Wöller and students at the information booth (Photographer: Markus Scholz)

The Anti-Discrimination Prevention and Counseling Center provides information on numerous topics related to anti-discrimination at the University of Halle - at numerous events and information booths in direct conversation with students and employees, as well as on our website.

News and event tips

News and event tips

Never miss an exciting event again and always be up to date? No problem! We collect current events and news in the field of anti-discrimination at MLU.

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Knowledge and guides

Knowledge and guides

What is discrimination? What can I do to behave in a discrimination-sensitive manner? What can I do if I observe or experience discrimination? We collect important information and useful tips.

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Richtlinien, Statements, Ordnungen

Important documents

Collection of central documents on diversity management and protection against discrimination at the University of Halle

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Counseling & Support

Counseling and Support

Have you observed or experienced discrimination in the university context? We provide information about which contact points exist that can provide confidential support and advice - both inside and outside MLU.

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Complaints Procedure

Complaints Procedure

How can a complaint be filed at MLU due to discrimination, harassment or violence? We provide information on the procedure.

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Together we are less alone! We present initiatives, advocacy groups, (research) projects, measures, event series, courses and online offerings that deal with or are involved in the field of anti-discrimination at MLU.

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Can I change my name and personal status at MLU? Where can I find the nearest all-gender restroom? How can I network with other queers? On our LGBTIQ* info page, we provide extensive information.

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Green Line

Green Line


The Anti-Discrimination Prevention and Counseling Center is an active member of the following networks external to the university:

bukof Commission Queer    

bukof Commission Queer* Equality Policy at Universities

The Federal Conference of Women`s and Gender Equality Representatives at Universities (bukof) is the gender-political voice in the discourse on science and higher education policy. It unites all those who shape the structure and culture of universities in Germany in a gender-just way. The commissions work on the main topics of bukof.

The Commission for Queer* Equality Policy at Universities develops strategies and measures for equality work that goes beyond the binary, heteronormative gender model. The Prevention and Counseling Center Against Discrimination has been an active member of this commission since 2018 and part of the Commission`s team of spokespersons since June 2024.

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bukof Commission SDG    

bukof Commission Sexualized Discrimination and Violence

The Federal Conference of Women`s and Gender Equality Representatives at Universities (bukof) is the gender-political voice in the discourse on science and higher education policy. It unites all those who shape the structure and culture of universities in Germany in a gender-just way. The commissions work on the main topics of bukof.

The commission "Sexualized Discrimination and Violence" aims to reduce disadvantages in studies and professional life caused by sexualized discrimination and violence at universities. It is committed to the implementation of prevention measures and the establishment of adequate intervention options. The Anti-Discrimination Prevention and Counseling Center has been an active member of this commission since 2018.

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Netzwerk Diversity    

Netzwerk Diversity an Hochschulen (Network Diversity at Universities)

The Network "Diversity an Hochschulen" is a nationwide, collegial network of employees who are entrusted with the implementation of diversity and anti-discrimination tasks at German universities on an operational and strategic level (horizontal approach). Our tasks refer to interlocking social categories and their linkage with inequality relations (intersectional approach). The Prevention and Counseling Center Against Discrimination has been an active member since 2020.

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Netzwerk Antidiskriminierung an Hochschulen

The network is an open association of various stakeholders at universities across Germany who work in different areas in the field of anti-discrimination. The diversity ranges from diversity officers, women's and equal opportunities officers and representatives of staff units to anti-discrimination advisors, members of complaints offices and students. This includes student self-administration in particular. There is no limit to how many people per university can be part of the network. A close exchange with other stakeholder groups such as the Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency, student services of the federal states and other networks is sought.
The Anti-Discrimination Prevention and Counselling Centre has been an active member of the network since 2018.

Green Line

Green Line

Prevention Office in the media

Green Line

Green Line

Find us on Instagram    

Follow us on Instagram!

Always stay up to date on anti-discrimination at the University of Halle and never miss any exciting events? Follow us on Instagram!

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Follow us on YouTube!    

Follow us on YouTube!

Intrested in some exciting events on anti-discrimination topics? Follow our YouTube channel and enjoy our event recordings.

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Infofilm (Zentrale Orientierungstage 2021)    

Infofilm (Zentrale Orientierungstage 2021)

On the occasion of the Central Orientation Days 2021, University Marketing made an informational film about the Anti-Discrimination Prevention and Counseling Center in September 2021.

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Interview (HIT 2020)    

Interview (HIT 2020)

The Prevention Office was interviewed during the Summer 2020 Virtual Higher Education Information Day (HIT).

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Zum Podcast    

Podcast (hastuzeit 2020)

In the podcast "hastuGehört" of the student newspaper hastuzeit, student Hermine Vulturius spoke with Sabine Wöller in November 2020 about her work at the University of Halle and the topic of sexualized discrimination in the university context.

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Zum Artikel    

Artikel (Campus Halensis 2018)

Sabine Wöller in conversation with the university magazine Campus Halensis about her work as project coordinator of the Prevention Office Discrimination and Sexual Harassment.

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Green Line

Green Line

Staff members

Green Line

Green Line

ManagmentSabine Wöller (since 2021)
former project coordinator:Sabine Wöller (2018–2021)
student assistant:Zilan Hisir (since 09/2024)
former student assistant:Hermine Vulturius (02/2022–07/2024)
Zilan Hisir (02/2022–12/2022)
Mandana Uriep (04/2020–12/2020)
Montana Zimmermann (04/2019–03/2020)
former interns:Sophie Leins (12/2019–01/2020)
Sabine Wöller (Photo by Friederike Stecklum)
[Photo description: The photo shows Sabine Wöller centered in front of the glass facade of the Audimax. She wears a black and white patterned shirt and a black blazer, has brown hair and a red streak. She looks directly into the camera and smiles.]

Sabine Wöller (Photo by Friederike Stecklum) [Photo description: The photo shows Sabine Wöller centered in front of the glass facade of the Audimax. She wears a black and white patterned shirt and a black blazer, has brown hair and a red streak. She looks directly into the camera and smiles.]

Sabine Wöller has been working at the prevention center since 2018 - first as project coordinator and since 2021 as head.

She previously studied at the University of Halle (Bachelor of Media and Communication Studies / German Language and Literature, Master of Enlightenment - Religion - Knowledge).
She has also been involved in anti-discrimination projects on a voluntary basis for many years:

  • 2011-2014 que(e)r_einsteigen working group of the MLU student council (among others as its spokesperson)
  • 2013-2019 queer_feminist network Q. [kju_point] (among others as its coordinator)
  • since 2015 Kompetenzzentrum geschlechtergerechte Kinder- und Jugendhilfe e.V. (among others. as layouter)
  • since 2016 Mobile Beratung für Opfer rechter, rassistischer und antisemitischer Gewalt (layouter)

2017-2018 she completed an in-service mediation training at ImKonsens - Mediation and Diversity.
